1. This application is a means to give a power of attorney and grant power to INDOKO to perform remittance service to Indonesia. 2. I am as a user of this application agree to grant power to INDOKO to make the remittance process in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the law issued by Central Bank in 2009 article 35 paragraph 1 and 2 where INDOKO as a legal company in undergoing remittance business for foreign workers in Taiwan. 3. Application users agree to release any claims/claims relating to the usage of this application. 4. The application user agrees that the registered data is original, accurate and self-owned. If it is found later that data is registered as fake or other person's data, than the user is willing to bear all consequences including criminal demands from the party concerned and the member will be disabled and the transaction will be canceled. 5. User of this application agrees to follow the following provisions: A. Must register as a member before using this application. B. To become an active member, the user of the application must present a valid ARC identity card. C. The ARC photographed should clearly show the owner's full name, ARC number and expiration date of the ARC. D. INDOKO reserves the right to submit user data to the Central Bank of Taiwan for any remittance transaction that occurs. E. INDOKO reserves the right to examine the alleged beneficiary account and then refuse the remittance transaction if it proves to be problematic.